SOCAR and counters ...

In a number of state organizations and by-structures it has become an ordinary event to levy different fees non-provided by the paw. This event is most common in a communal and social area. Interestingly, illegal payments, opening the way for corruption, are brought to citizens as a legitimate requirement. As it should be so ...

Recently, the most widespread demand has become an illegal payments in utilities (gas, electricity, water, etc.) while installation of counters. This article is about legal basis for the installation of gas meters, is the installation free, as well as the facts of corruption, and so on.

What does the law says?

First let us turn to the legislation and see if the installation of gas meters is paid or free? According to the law "On the gas providing" it is free, and gas meters must be installed at the expense of SOCAR, the total gas consumption of which is up to 10 cubic meters per hour. Technical services are also free of charge (the law "On the gas security", Article 13. The distribution and sale of gas -

The decision of the Cabinet for the approval of "Rules of the use of gas," number 80 on May 12, 2011 said; ensure the gas meter, its installation and replacement for the consumer - an individual at the expense of the gas distributor. A customer - legal entity by its own means - Article 4.2,

Installation of gas meters in apartments for consumers is carried out by the Production Association "Azerigas".

Which company installs the meters?

Now let"s see how much in fact costs the installation of meters, providing technical specifications, how much it costs the subscriber and the company that implements this work? To find the answer, the subscriber goes to the ASAN Service and states intention to install a gas meter in the new house. ASAN Service issued a notice sheet with the instruction "SOCAR". It reads that "All appeals from subscribers from the "population" category or "non-population" due to personal gasification are to be recommended to address "Azerigas Layiha Insaat Ltd." which is the company-contractor of the Production Association "Azerigas."

The decision of the Cabinet N80 on May 12, 2011 on the approval of "Rules of the use of gas" said: providing with gas meters, its installation and replacement for the consumer - an individual is carried out at the expense of the gas distributor. A customer, legal entity at its own funds, Article 4.2,

The document specified address and phones of the company "Azerigas Layiha Insaat". For information, we would like to note that the gasification for the "population" and "not population" category, until recently, was carried out about by about 50,000 Ltd. Now, however, the function of these companies carries out only "Azerigas Layiha Insaat"- the company-contractor of the Production "Azerigas" Association. Our studies revealed that there is no any information about the above-named company in the press and Internet resources. This organization does not have a web-site. There is no information about this organization on the sites of SOCAR and by "Azerigas" and system. On the other hand, it is not known on the basis of what tender this LTD. has been elected and attracted to the work. By the way, the sites of the "Azerigas" is in a deplorable state. It is impossible to find information about the production, purchase, installation, cost, and the price of the meters.

Attracting the "Azerigas Layiha Insaat" to the country's gasification process resembles the process of bringing to the construction work by the Ministry of Emergency Situations the construction company owned by the Ministry and other officials. This construction company without any tender was attracted to the elimination of the consequences of flooding of Kura and Araz rivers in the spring of 2010. Through this company was awarded a significant portion of funds allocated due to flooding. It is possible that the company "Azerigas Layiha Inshaat" unknown and not talking about itself, belongs to SOCAR, or any other high-ranking official.

At what price gas meters are installed?

We phoned the company "Azerigas Layiha Insaat" to the number given us in the ASAN Service, to learn the price for the installation of gas meters. It has been said that the said company installs gas meters during 15-20 days, and during this month completes all the work. The installation of meters, providing technical specifications require 262 manats, and the installation of regulatory device -another 35 manats. Besides, it is necessary "to please" the workers installing the meter. The subscriber should pay only for the designated work to connect the meter to the network. But gas supply will be carried out at the expense of subscriber.

Retreat. According to information from construction companies, in the new high-rise buildings, contrary to private homes, "Azerigas" offers gas meters at the price 370-400 manats. Honestly, it would be wrong to call it an offer, because there is a compulsion. In addition, for the gasification of the buildings "Azerigas" offers only to buy meters offered by them. So, if the meters are bought elsewhere, the "Azerigas" refuses to gasify the building. The House Building Companies are forced to buy meters offered by "Azerigas."

Chairman of the Free Entrepreneurs Association Eyyub Huseynov noted that the installation of gas meters at the expense of the population is a violation of consumer rights. "The law requires a gas-free installation of meters from the "population" category. Unfortunately, this law so important for consumers is not always fulfilled. In a conversation with us Eyyub Huseynov noted that under the law, not only gas, but also water and electricity meters should be installed free of charge: "If during the installation of meters people are forced to pay an additional fee, it is already a fact of corruption."

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