Letter to the President of the country on water meters

On February 2, 2017 was held on nine trials of Turan Agency against the  OJSC Azersu on execution of  the orders by the President of Azerbaijan on 29 March, 2016 on the allocation of 12 million manat for the installation of water measuring devices.

Nine trials by Turan Agency against Azersu OJSC confirmed the corruption component while the implementation of the order by the Azerbaijani President of 29 March, 2016 on the allocation of 12 million manat for the installation of water measuring devices. Although the state-owned company evaded a complete answer, abuses were evident. In this regard, the director of Turan news agency Mehman Aliyev sent 3 February a letter to the president of the republic. There was no answer, perhaps because the letter did not reach the addressee:

Dear Mr. President,

Transparency in the economic sphere is an important factor in increasing the efficiency of the financial activities of economic entities, the rational use of public funds, revenue growth in the state budget, reducing the costs of citizens for services rendered by them, and, finally, the reduction of corruption.

You remember that in autumn 2004, the Coalition of non-governmental organizations and the media to protect the rights of consumers launched a campaign for the establishment of gas meters to all consumers who paid for gas according to consumption standards. Then you will support this initiative. There was announced a  three-year program  for 100 percent  installation of  meters , as well as  were adopted amendments to the law requiring public companies- monopolists in the field of water, electricity and gas  to install  meters at their expense, and provide consumers with quality services.

As a result of introduction of gas meters the data on the consumption over the country decreased by more than twice, and most importantly, has been established a just form of calculations between the providers and consumers of services. The situation was also observed in the field of electricity. But it cannot be said about the water supply from the JSC "Azersu".

In April 2006, I prepared a report on the deplorable situation in the field of water supply and have put forward a proposal on the introduction of water meters in the state-owned company. Then I appealed the head of the socio-political department of the Presidential Administration Ali Hasanov, with the information that the coalition plans to launch a campaign for the establishment of water meters. Ali Hasanov received the report and said that there is no need in launching a campaign, and the state itself will solve this problem. Indeed, on 12 May 2006 the head of "Azersu" Nizameddin Rzayev said at a press conference on the implementation of the three-year program of installation of meters. He also said the installation of meters in Baku will complete in 2007, and in the country - in 2008. More than 10 years passed, but the program has not been completed, and Azersu is the only of government monopolies mentioned above that has not completed the installation of meters. Only 64.9% of subscribers have been provided with meters. On March 29, 2016 by your decree, 12 million manat were allocated for Azersu for the installation of water meters.  According to my calculations, this amount would be enough for the purchase and install from 500 to 700 thousand meters, depending on the manufacturer. However, Azersu announced a tender for the purchase and installation of 50,000 meters, i.e. by 10 times less.

On 30 August I appealed to Azersu for an explanation, but the campaign in violation of the law "On freedom of information» has not responded to an information request. I was forced to apply to the First Baku Administrative-Economic Court. Only on 29 December, 2016 I received not a complete answer signed by the deputy chairman of the JSC "Azersu" Mr. Seymour Seyidov. But it was enough to ensure that the tender was conducted in violation of the interests of the state and society. This is evidenced by the following facts:

1. The tender was held simultaneously a) for the purchase of meters and b) for installing them, although this is completely different problem. Companies that participated in the tender are not manufacturers of meters. They could compete in the issue of the installation of meters. But here the question arises: "Why did Azersu attract other companies to install meters in the amount of 50.000; this job could be by their own forces. In fact, first Azersu was to announce a tender among producers. In Azerbaijan, this is Ganja instrument-making factory, from which the last lot of meters was purchased for 110 manat ($65). While my inquiries in Russia and China showed the price from $7 to $20 per a meter, and even with component parts.




2. Even if we consider that the counters were purchased for 110 AZN and this makes a total of 5.5 million AZN; then it turns out that 6.5 manat will be spent for their installation, and the installation of one meter will cost 130 manat, that is equal to the minimum wage. This is absurd. I would also like to note that Azersu has not responded to my written question on the estimates of installation work.

3.  Asking my question at the court trial: "At what price were bought counters until 29 March, 2016" a representative of Azersu said that for the same price, that is 110 manat. Before the devaluation of manat, this amount was $140. The question is where in the world you can find such price? I also want to note that  Azersu installed ordinary smart-meter for Turan news agency  officially for 200 manat that is, for 256 dollars.

Taking it into account, I ask you  Mr. President to instruct the relevant authorities to start checking the reasons for the failure of the state program on installation of  water meters with all its consequences, and investigate the execution of your order on March 29, 2016.


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