TANAP construction accelerated in central part of Turkey

Construction of the Trans Anadolu gas pipeline (TANAP) has been accelerated in the central Turkish province of Yozgat, wrote Turkish Yozgat newspaper on Tuesday.

The pipes’ welding is already in progress in the province.

Yozgat is one of 20 Turkish provinces, through which TANAP gas pipeline will be laid.

TANAP gas pipeline worth $9.2 billion envisages gas export from the Caspian Shah Deniz field from the Georgian-Turkish border to the western border of Turkey. Gas will be pumped to Turkey in 2018 and it will be exported to Europe in 2020 as soon as construction of the Trans Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP) is completed.

TANAP shareholders include SOCAR with 58%, BOTAS – 30% and BP – 12%.—0—

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