The pedestal of the local insurance market for three companies

Information about the awards and payments in the local market in January-October has been published.

Azerbaijani insurance market for the period collected 282 million 143.74 thousand manats, which is about 103.4 million manat more than in the same period last year (total 179.1 million). Under all claims there was issued 75 million 464.08 thousand manats of payments, which is 26.9 million more than on 1 November last year.

As predicted in January, the insurance company Pasha Sigorta for ten months did not miss the leadership of the local insurance companies, collecting 38 million 480.66 thousand manats or 13.6% of all insurance premiums for the period. Of these, 20 million produced in January due to a one-time contract with the state oil company about the service of voluntary health insurance. For comparison - by November 1 last year, it got only 9.5 million and was in 8th place. According to experts, the championship of the company for the year was a bargain.

The second place in January-October was gained by AzSigorta with premiums of AZN 33 million 150.95 thsd, almost double last year's interim result. By the way, if in January the difference between the leader and the challenger was AZN 19 million, it is now almost 5 million

 The company Ateshgah, according to the tradition, took the "bronze line," with 30 million 487.74 thousand manats. Together, this trio collected more than a third (36.2%) of the premiums.

State Insurance Company Azersigorta also gained momentum and a cruising speed trying to catch up with the trio to come off. During the reported period, the company entered into agreements, in which there were involved awards of 25 million 447.05 thousand manats, which is more than 5 million more than the "champion" indicator of 10 months of the previous year.

In the fifth place was Standard Insurance (AZN 18 million 299.81 thsd).

In the sixth place was AXA MBASK, with 15 million 607.43 thousand manats - most of this on motor hull insurance and liability of owners of cars to passengers and pedestrians.

In the seventh place there was the oldest and the best life insurance company in the last few years. Ateshgah Hayat scored mostly on corporate contracts 14 million 474.2 thousand manats.

 The eighth position belonged to International Insurance Company (AZN 12 million 603.55 thsd). The result of January-September of last year was almost 2 mln lower than the present result and the standing was three places higher.

The ninth place belonged to the created on February 15, 2010 Life Insurance Company Pasha Hayat Sigorta (AZN 12 million 458.68 thsd).

Xalq Sigorta raised 11 million 207.78 thousand manats and closed the top ten.

Best for payment, except the undisputed leader - Pasha Sigorta with the result of AZN 18 million 585.36 thsd (24.6% of all payments), became Azersigorta (9.46 million), Ateshgah (7.5 million), etc.

* All results are given with reference to the State Insurance Supervision Service of the Finance Ministry of Azerbaijan. - 17D-


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