To Crimea - for treatment

Prospects for cooperation of Azerbaijan and Crimea in establishing and expanding bilateral tourist flows are not used in full force - said at a press conference in agency "Interfax-Azerbaijan" Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Alexander Liev .

"Many of the former USSR compatriots associate this region with beaches. However, only in the last year in various parts for the treatment visited 20 thousand Azerbaijanis, and this is not all," says the official.

According to him, in the Crimea successfully treat such "bad" in the main diseases like back pain, infertility, and so on. Constant is the trusted partner of the Ministry of Baku company SW Travel, based on which today (the memorandum) was established representation of the designated Office.

According to director of SW Travel Shirzad Efendiyev, his company won the tender for the opening of an office of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea. "We are going to work, doing their best efforts to ensure that as many citizens of Azerbaijan have learned about the resorts of Crimea", - he said.

This year, he said, on the initiative of local air carriers will be commissioned aircraft "Airbus" flights to major cities in Ukraine. - 17D-


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