US secretary of state: gas infrastructure between Caspian sea and Europe important

One of its goals in the energy field US sees in "providing aid to provoke competition and prevent monopolies" for energy carriers deliveries, US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said last week in her lecture "Energy Diplomacy in 21st Century" in Georgetown University. 

"Look what is happening in Europe. For decades many European countries have been receiving gas mainly from Russia," Clinton said.

Now the situation has changed, mainly because of growth of production in the USA, she added. "There is also gas in the Caspian Sea and Middle Asia. They would like to sell it and Europe would like to buy it. However, we need to build pipelines for that," US Secretary of State added.

"This is the goal of the South Corridor project, which envisages construction of the pipelines via Europe," Clinton said. He added that US has been working with all partners of the project to ensure its successful implementation. 

The South Corridor project envisages laying of the gas pipelines from the Caspian Sea and Middle Asia to Europe bypassing Russia.

US Secretary of State said that US helps to implement the project, because it "wants to see these countries growing stronger and also because monopoly in the energy field creates risks."

"Everywhere in the world, if one country is dependent on the other one in the energy field, this is fraught with undermining its political and economic independence. This also makes the country vulnerable to challenge and use of force," Clinton said.

She said that "NATO has determined energy safety as the key issue of safety of our time," reported RBC.-0-


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