Министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров принимает участие в заседании Государственной Думы России, нижней палаты парламента, для принятия законов о присоединении Донецкой, Херсонской, Луганской и Запорожской областей Украины к России, в Москве, Россия, 3 октября 2022 года. Государственная Дума России/Раздаточный материал через REUTERS
Lavrov says Russia open to talks with West, awaiting serious proposal
Reuters: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Moscow was open to talks with the West on the Ukraine war but had yet to receive any serious proposal to negotiate.
In an interview on state TV, Lavrov said Russia was willing to engage with the United States or with Turkey on ways to end the war, now in its eight month.
His emphasis on Russia's receptiveness to talks came after a series of stinging defeats since the start of September that have swung the momentum of the conflict in favour of Ukraine.
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- 11 October 2022 15:47
In World
Senior U.S. diplomats met on Friday with Syria's new de facto ruler, Ahmad al-Sharaa, in Damascus, holding what was described as a "good" and "very productive" meeting to discuss the country’s political transition. The U.S. delegation also announced the withdrawal of a $10 million bounty previously placed on al-Sharaa’s head.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday suggested a missile 'duel' with the United States that would show how Russia's new Oreshnik hypersonic ballistic missile could defeat any U.S. missile defence system.
The United States said on Wednesday it was imposing new sanctions related to nuclear-armed Pakistan's long-range ballistic-missile program, including on the state-owned defense agency that oversees the program.
Iran has suspended the implementation of a controversial new law mandating stricter hijab requirements for women, a move that many observers believe could have sparked mass protests akin to those following Mahsa Amini's death in 2022, a senior official said.
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