Министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров принимает участие в заседании Государственной Думы России, нижней палаты парламента, для принятия законов о присоединении Донецкой, Херсонской, Луганской и Запорожской областей Украины к России, в Москве, Россия, 3 октября 2022 года. Государственная Дума России/Раздаточный материал через REUTERS
Lavrov says Russia open to talks with West, awaiting serious proposal
Reuters: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Moscow was open to talks with the West on the Ukraine war but had yet to receive any serious proposal to negotiate.
In an interview on state TV, Lavrov said Russia was willing to engage with the United States or with Turkey on ways to end the war, now in its eight month.
His emphasis on Russia's receptiveness to talks came after a series of stinging defeats since the start of September that have swung the momentum of the conflict in favour of Ukraine.
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- 11 October 2022 15:47
In World
The Ukrainian military said on Thursday it had used ATACMS ballistic missiles to strike a Russian radar station to reduce Moscow's ability "to detect, track and intercept aerodynamic and ballistic targets".
The Gulf Cooperation Council affirmed its support for Lebanon during such a "critical stage" and called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the council said late on Wednesday after holding an extraordinary ministerial meeting in Doha.
A 38-year-old Gazan, the only known fatality in Iran's missile attack against Israel, was buried on Wednesday.
Israel Wednesday banned U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres from entering the country, citing his comments immediately following Iran's attack on Tel Aviv..
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