Turkish prosecutors want to convict Gülen to two life sentences and another 1,900 years in prison

Turkish authorities  want to sentence  Fatullah  Gülen to two life sentences and 1900 years in prison, news agency "Anadolu".  According to the agency, the volume of the indictment amounted to 2,527 thousand pages. It says that Gülen "tried to disrupt by violence the established order of the Turkish Constitution," "create an armed terrorist organization, as well as to" eliminate the government of the Turkish Republic. "

The attempt of military coup in Turkey occurred on the night of July 16. During clashes between the rebellions and the supporters of the current government  more than 240 people were killed. After the suppression of the rebellion began an extensive cleaning in the state agencies in Turkey; as a result more than 81 thousand people  have been dismissed or suspended from work, and almost 26.000 people were detained.

According to Turkish authorities, the ideologist of the rebellion in Ankara was Gülen, who has been for many years living in the United States. Gulen denies any involvement in the coup. He urged the United States to reject the request of the Turkish authorities for his extradition. Authorities believe the evidence of his involvement in the coup is irrefutable, but no evidence is presented.

Human rights organizations believe that the investigation will try to force the arrested to admit that  the idea of ​​the coup came from Gulen, and the military  performed  his instructions.

However, no one can present evidence of something like. Instead, Erdogan furiously demanded an explanation from the United States, extradition of Gulen, who lives in political exile there. -02D-

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