Ali Karimli: Azerbaijani authorities try to impose the EU their rules

Over the past three years of  Azerbaijan's participation in the program "Eastern Partnership"  the situation with political freedoms in the country,  has not improved,  but even  worsened, said Ali Karimli, the  head of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) at the forum "The state of political freedoms in Azerbaijan with the participation of the country in the EU" Eastern Partnership" held on Thursday. The event was held by the Centre for Monitoring Elections and Democratic Studies Center (EMDS). 

"The status of fundamental freedoms and human rights is violated: the freedom of assembly, association, expression and the press are violated. In 2010, the worst parliamentary elections in the history of the country took place. A "conveyor of political prisoners"  continue to work; some are released, and others are imprisoned. Courts  are dependent, the fight against corruption is imitation. In general, there are no conditions for the functioning of a pluralistic multi-party system," said Kerimli.

"Azerbaijani authorities in words are for European integration, and provide the energy interests of Europe. But they do not want to rule democratic methods. The Azerbaijani authorities because of the “caviar of diplomacy” managed to establish their lobby in all European institutions," continued  Karimli.

 "These lobbyists are frequent visitors to Baku. They are welcomed  warmly, and then they give the interviews and assessment of the elections which the authorities desire. 

If the EU really wants democratic presidential election in 2013, it should start  decisive actions. 

There is too little time to create an environment for free and fair elections, Kerimli said.

He also said that the scandalous video of bargaining for a deputy mandate showed  the collapse of the election system in Azerbaijan. The existing  electoral commissions do not have the moral right to hold further elections, said Kerimli.

Chairman of the "Open Society" party,  Sulhaddin Akbar,  noted that among the countries of the "Eastern Partnership", only the leaders of Azerbaijan and Belarus have not expressed the desire to join the EU and NATO. In his view, in Azerbaijan, there are  many supporters of integration into Euro-Atlantic structures, but to realize this  fair elections must be held. He called for the consolidation of the supporters of European integration on national civil platform, and also called on the EU provide financial assistance with consideration of the effectiveness of previous grant projects.

The head of the political department of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Toralf Pilz expressed the view that three years is a very small segment to assess the "Eastern Partnership".

The EU is just one of the international actors in the region, and its potential is limited. "If the negotiations with the government are not going as you want, it doe not depend on us, but should not disappoint  civil society," said Pilz.

“Eastern Partnership” has two dimensions: cooperation with governments and civil societies. "Support to civil society is our commitment, and we continue this practice," said Pilz.

Regarding the effectiveness of EU assistance, the Brussels upholds the principle of "more to more." This means that where there is no proper results, assistance will be reduced.

The head of the Centre for Research "East-West", Arastun Orujlu, said that  because of its energy resources and geographical location, Azerbaijan will remain at the center of the West. But the West will give priority to values, and not to the person. An example of this Orujlu called parliamentary elections in Georgia, where, despite the defeat of the pro-Western Saakashvili, the West welcomed the democratic process itself and change their government peacefully.

The presidential election of 2013 in Azerbaijan attract  the attention of the West, the West’s  attitude toward the prospect of nominating Ilham Aliyev for a third presidential term is negative. "This objection must relate to the nomination of the president and members of the family,"  said Orujlu.

The latest resolutions of PACE and European parliament, and statements of various officials in Europe indicate serious plans to support democratic processes in Azerbaijan, he said.

The head of the EMDS Anar Mammadov, introduced the idea of ​​preparation of the Charter of European integration of Azerbaijan, which would unite  all the forces fighting for the democratization of the country, its joining the EU and NATO.—06C-





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