Ali Kerimli : Arrests of activists - the authorities" reaction to Ukraine

Baku/28.02.14/Turan : Events in Ukraine seriously frighten the Azerbaijani authorities, the leader of the Popular Front Party ( PFPA) Ali Kerimli stated.

After the crowded procession of the National Council to the memorial of Khojaly, the authorities' fear was so great that they decided to arrest members of the crowd," said Kerimli on Facebook. the guard of the PFPA leader Bahruz Hasanli was arrested on trumped-up charges and sentenced to 20 days in prison and the head of the Jalilabad district party organization Tazakhan Miralamli was sentenced to 15 days.
Following fabricated charges it is also expected that the head of the Youth Committee Ilham Hussein will be arrested.
Previously, a youth activist of PFPA Tofig Dadashov, was sentenced to 10 days inprisonment.
"Indeed history teaches us that some people do not derive lessons from history," writes Kerimli.
"If the end of a dictator has matured, repression will not save him," writes Kerimli .
PFPA develops because gluttony of the authorities, injustice and hatred promotes social explosion.
PFPA and the National Council are needed to protect the people from tyranny and force authorities to carry out reforms. If a social explosion happens, then a strong opposition can protect the society from chaos and save the snickering officials from lynching.
"Imagine for a moment what would happen if Ukraine did not have a strong opposition - organizations such as the Right Sector, what would be the fate of your friends from the Party of Regions, and oligarchs," writes Kerimli . -03D-

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