Another witness testified in favor of the arrested opposition

Regular meeting in the case of advisor to the head of the Popular Front Party Mammad Ibrahim took place in the Narimanov District Court on February 12 under the chairmanship of Turgay Huseynov. A witness of prosecution testified in favor of the opposition member.  The judge initiated the procedure for attracting lawyer Yalcin Imanov to  disciplinary punishment. The reason  is the critics by the lawyer saying the court rejects a defense motion and  does not want to carry out objective investigation.

M. Ibrahim was arrested on September 30 last year on charges of disorderly conduct (221.1) (Complaint was filed  by Mikyail Guliyev - a former member of the PFPA.) Subsequently, the Article was reclassified to a heavier charge – Article 221.2.2,  under which Ibrahim  can be convicted up to  five years in prison.

On 1 February 1 two prosecution witnesses were Vugar Abbasov and Elchin Shukurov testified. They were at the scene and found that first Mikyail Guliyev attacked  Ibrahim.

Today at the trial  testified a witness Agshin Akhverdiyev. He noted that on September 29 near the teahouse in the Narimanov district there were five  people-  Akhverdiyev, Vugar Abbasov, Elchin Shukurov, Anar Ismayilov and Mikail Guliyev.

According Akhverdiev when  Mammad Ibrahim  came up to them  he asked Guliyev why he had insulted his family? In response, Ibrahim Guliyev began to bear Ibrahim.

Akhverdiyev tried to separate them,  was also hit by Guliyev, but he managed to pull Guliyev away. Two others held back Ibrahim.

The witness  gave information  important to the protection, that  on the scene  were not other two victims - Oruj Veliyev and Mohammed Gurbanov. Akhverdiyev also said  that previously Ibrahim asked to  influence Guliyev,  to make him stop  insulting opposition and his family on Facebook.  Akhverdiyev  told  Guliyev, who kept silence for about it and the three days, and then resumed insulting Guliyev.

   The lawyer Yalcin Imanov requested to find as victims Vugar Abbasov and Agshin Ahverdiev in connection with their testimony of the receipt of attacks by Guliyev. However, the prosecutor strongly opposed, and the judge dismissed the application.  The lawyer further requested to appeal to the police to investigate violent actions by Guliyev. However, the request was rejected.

The lawyer said that the court does not carry out an objective investigation. In response, the judge instructed the Secretary to place on a record of "not respecting the court by lawyer" and handling the bar to bring Imanov to disciplinary punishment.

Imanov said the remark  of the judge was unfounded because it  simply criticized, and  has never expressed disrespect to the court. The next  trial was scheduled for February 19.

Mikail Guliyev, who is involved in the case left the PPFA together with a group of Razi Nurullayev last summer. -06B-

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