Avaz Zeynalli: to summon to the court Ramiz Mehdiyev and Gular Ahmedova

Another trial in the case of Avaz Zeynalli, the editor of "Khural" newspaper, was held on January 9 at the Serious Crimes Court, chaired by Ramella Allahverdiyeva.

The three-hour meeting was the 35th, and  according to Zeynalli, the court  deliberately is  delaying the process, waiting for orders from above. The editor accused the court and prosecutor  for dismissing  or not to meet all of  his petitions, the  main one  which is to deliver to the court the chief prosecutor, former deputy Gular Ahmedova.

To respond  of the judge Allahverdiyeva that Ahmedova is under house arrest, the editor asked her involvement  in the court with the assistance of the police.

Avaz Zeynalli was arrested on a false denunciation of then deputy Gular Ahmedova, accusing Zeynalli  of extortion money from her. In her complaint, on October 28, 2011 the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office filed a lawsuit  under  the Article 311.3.3 (bribery in the large size) and 311.3.4 (bribery by intimidation.).

A year later, Ahmedova  herself was convicted of fraud in sales of seats in parliament, and then  was charged with murder of her partner, Sevinj Babayeva.

"Why does Ahmedova,  who is accused of fraud and murder,   is involved in selling children, sit at home, and I, without any proof   am kept in prison  for a year and a half?" said Zeynalli.

He also demanded to bring to Mehdiyev, Ali Hasanov,  the hadof the department in the  Presidential Administration, and Vugar Safarli,  head of the Fund  to Support Media.

He also demanded to files  lawsuits  for perjury against the inspector of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor General, Ghalib Gasimov, who had fabricated his criminal case.

The next hearing is scheduled for  January 16.—0—




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