Committee of Ministers will consider not issuing passport to Karimli

The CE Committee of Ministers will  consider  not performing  the decision of the  European Court of Human Rights which declared illegal the ban by the Azerbaijani authorities to let the leader of the Popular Front Party (APFP) Ali Karimlito leave the country. This issue will be held at a meeting of the Committee of Ministers on December 6-8, said  the lawyer Intigam Aliyev.

A lawsuit was filed against Kerimli  on  September 10, 1994, when the police allegedly confiscated his grenade. Kerimli was arrested, but after a while  he was released.

After that Kerimli was twice elected deputy of the Azerbaijani parliament. In 2006, the validity of his passport  expired. However, under the pretext of the presence of criminal proceedings against him, Kerimli was not issued a new passport. This happened after Karimli at the PACE session criticized the Azerbaijani government for rigging the 2005 parliamentary elections.

On July 16, 2015 the ECHR upheld the complaint Kerimli on the refusal to grant him a passport, a violation of Article 2 (freedom of movement) to the Protocol No.4 of the European Convention.

According to Intigam Aliyev, Ali Kerimli has once again asked for the issuance of passports at the Passport Office and the Interior Ministry registration on September 11, 2016, but  did  not receive a document.-03B-

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