Erdogan comes to Baku to promote Izmir agreements

Second meeting of the top level Azerbaijani-Turkish Strategic Cooperation Council will be held on September 11, according to Turkish sources. For this purpose, a large delegation of government and business circles, led by the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will arrive in Baku. 

Declaration on the establishment of the Council of Strategic Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey was signed on September 15, 2010 in Istanbul by President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. 

Erdogan's visit will give new impetus to the development of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations on the basis of the slogan "One nation - two states." The Council is to develop joint actions in military, political, economic, trade and cultural cooperation. These areas were carefully analyzed by Aliyev and Erdogan at the first meeting of the Council in Izmir, October 25, 2011.

It should be expected that special attention was paid to the coordination of the regional issues, especially with regard to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Erdogan's visit can give a lot of confidence to Aliyev’s actions at the regional arena, on the background of rising foreign-political weight of Ankara and civil unrest in the former Ottoman Empire - from North Africa to the Middle East.

The first summit of Izmir is remembered by signing a gas contract, when, after long thoughts, Baku decided to transport gas from "Shah Deniz" to Europe via Turkey.  They also signed an agreement on the largest foreign investments in the history of Turkey - Azerbaijan will built petrochemical complex worth $ 5 billion on the banks of Izmir.

But, despite all this, the complexity in relations between the two countries remains. Large Turkish capital still does not hurry to come Azerbaijan. The reason is the existence of monopolies and widespread corruption in Azerbaijan. Complaints of businessmen working in Azerbaijan do not stop.

The abolition of the visa regime is one of the main topics discussed in the Azerbaijani-Turkish relations. Official Baku does not want to cancel the visa regime for citizens of Turkey, fearing a Tehran’s negative policy, which requires the same for its citizens.—0—


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