Fethullah Gulen called on Turks to vote for Erdogan"s opponents

Being in exile in the U.S., one of the most influential clerics in Turkey, Fethullah Gulen expressed concern about the anti-democratic steps of the ruling party Justice and Development (AKP) .

In the statement published in the Wall Street Journal Gulen criticized Erdogan's government policies after the scandal on December 17 and his attempts to withdraw from liability the members of the government, and to punish those who exposed corruption.

Next Gulen dealt a mortal blow to Erdogan, urging Turkish citizens in the upcoming elections to support the opposition People's Republic Party .

"When the time comes to members of the movement Jamaat (supporters of Gulen - Ed.), they will make the proper choice and support the People's Republic Party," he said.

Note that the number of supporters of Gulen in Turkey is up to 20 million people. -05D-


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