Germany also offers a settlement plan

German Foreign Minister suggested that seven-point plan, which should help to mitigate the potential of violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and to indicate the path to a sustainable and peaceful solution to the conflict, reporters were told on Thursday  by a diplomatic source of the German Foreign Ministry.

"The German seven-point plan should first help to alleviate the dire potential for violence, and also to identify the path to a sustainable and peaceful solution to the conflict," said  the diplomat, adding that, "in fact, we are talking about strengthening the ceasefire and join the settlement conflict through dialogue, as well as stabilization and confidence-building measures. "

The source said that the current status quo in the region, from the point of view of the Foreign Ministry, "is untenable in the long term", as with ongoing conflict  "the risk of recurrent and increasingly mass violence  on the contact line and on the border between the two countries is increasing," RIA-Novosti agency quotes an unnamed diplomat.

These vague wording and lack of detail does not allow to evaluate the ideas and suggestions of Bonn. However, if they do not provide for the release of the occupied territories, Baku has already said that will not agree to simple confidence-building measures. -02D-

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