Jamil Hasanli: Ilgar Mamedov should be released

 The leader of the Real Movement, Ilgar Mamedov should be released from jail, Turan  was told by Jamil Hasanli,  a single candidate for president of the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF.)   He said that the rights of Ilgar Mamedov, as one of the presidential candidates, are being violated. "All the candidates themselves head their election campaigns, and only Ilgar Mamedov is under the arrest. This is a gross violation of his rights. Ilgar Mamedov must be  released,  and  like the others, is to head his campaign," said Hasanli.

Mamedov   has been imprisoned due to the events of January 23-24 in  Ismailly region. The investigation accuses him of organizing mass disorder and resisting arrest. Local and international democratic community believes that  Mamedov is pursuit  for political reasons. Amnesty International recognized  him "prisoner of conscience". -03B04-  


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