The NCDF delegation to visit London on September 12-13

The delegation of the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) will visit the United Kingdom soon. Chairman of the NCDF in London, Murad Hasanli, told about the objectives and program of the visit in an interview with Turan.

-  Who has organized the visit of the HCDF, and for what purpose?

- The visit is organized directly by the National Council. This week, I have been appointed an official representative of the NCDF Chairman to Britain, and I am the coordinator of the visit, which will be held under the direct supervision of the National Council (NC) administration. The upcoming visit to London is part of the international campaign of the NCDF, in the frameworks of which there were visits to the United States, Germany, and Belgium. The National Council has the support of much of the Azerbaijani Diaspora, and we cooperate with many Azerbaijani organizations in Europe and the United States. In particular, in the UK, the London Azerbaijan Democratic Association assists in the organization of the visit of the delegation of the National Council. (

The purpose of the visit is to introduce our single candidate Jamil Hasanli in the British political and social circles, to inform about the situation in Azerbaijan, the upcoming elections, and to discuss the political program of the National Council. Britain is an important partner of Azerbaijan, and the NCDF welcomes the strengthening of economic and cultural ties between our two countries. We believe that long-term stability of these relationships depends on the establishment of democratic legal system in Azerbaijan.

- When will be the visit and what is the program?

- The visit will take place on September 12-13. London is greatly interested in the upcoming elections in Azerbaijan, and directly in the National Council.  Uniting all major opposition groups in the NCDF has been welcomed by the diplomatic circles, as well as experts and commentators. Therefore, the visit of the delegation of the NCDF caused great interest. The program of the visit includes meetings in the Foreign Office, the event in the Royal Institute of International Affairs - Chatham House.  Meeting with the British NGOs and representatives of civil society, parliamentarians, meetings with the Azerbaijani and Turkish Diaspora, interviews with leading media of the country are proposed.

- Who has been invited to London?

- Initially it was planned to organize a five-day visit of a large delegation of the NCDF from September 5 to 9, including the representatives and leaders of a number of organizations and parties. However, for technical reasons related to the process of candidate registration, terms of collecting signatures, and the requirements of the campaign, it was decided to postpone the visit for September 12-13, and reduce the number of delegation members.  The candidate of the NCDF Jamil Hasanli, Chairman of the NCDF Rustam Ibrahimbayov, and chief of the staff of the NCDF Eldar Namazov, will go to London.

- How significant is the visit for the course of the election campaign in Azerbaijan?

 The NCDF priority is to conduct an effective campaign, and obtain victory in the upcoming elections. Naturally, the international element of the campaign is auxiliary, but taking into account the black PR campaign against the National Council in pro- government media, the top level of the visit of the candidate and the team of the NCDF to London, once again will debunk the myths of the government about the National Council. Our candidate and our team are highly respected internationally. The National Board works effectively, and is establishing international links, developing cooperation with the Azerbaijani Diaspora. In all this we are guided by the national interests of Azerbaijan, and we defend the rights of the citizens of our country. The visit to London will give our candidates the opportunity to show the Azerbaijani voters balanced foreign policy priorities and directions. -0-

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