OSCE: elections in Azerbaijan were under held restricted fundamental freedoms (Video)

 Serious obstacles  have been created to the realization of citizens  rights to freedom of association, expression and assembly at the presidential elections were held on October 9, reads a  joint statement of the  OSCE, ODIHR  and PACE observation mission.

"There was a fair election atmosphere. On election day there were interference in the elections, "  said the Special Coordinator of the OSCE Chairman, Michel Voisin.

About 350 observers from the OSCE and the ODIHR observed the elections at 1,143 polling stations, that is, more than a quarter of the total  number.

On election day there were serious problems, indicating serious shortcomings in complying with Azerbaijan's OSCE commitments for democratic elections, he said.

He also noted a number  a number of positive  moments:  10 candidates participated in the election, what testifies pluralism. The CEC was well prepared and organized elections. There was a lot of observers, ordinary citizens and representatives of political parties; 72 % of voters participated in the election, what meets the  European election turnout.

As for problems, theaccess of candidates to the media was limited, which was one of the obstacles to fair pre-election atmosphere.

Observers noted problems in the counting of votes  on 58 % of the  poling stations, and serious violation took place in  the 11 % of the  polling stations.

The PA OSCE representative, Doris Barnett, observed at  seven polling stations  in Baku and Sumgait, and noted the limited access of the candidates to the media and the lack of debate. Every politician and activist should use the freedom of assembly, expression and other freedoms. She called on the authorities as soon as possible to solve the problems in these areas.

The head of the  OSCE ODIHR  mission, Tana de Zuleta, said that the elections  do not include only voting, therefore, for six months  the observer mission was monitoring a campaign to assess the legislation and campaigning.

According to the  observers mission, the  voting process  on 19% of polling stations was poor or very poor. The most serious concern what happened after the votes in the vote count. Thus,  on 58% of polling stations counting was on bad  or  very bad level.  

The reduction of the campaign to 22 days limited the  opportunities  of the candidates to inform voters about their platforms. Another limitation was  the presenting venues for rallies and meetings in closed  with 152 seats.

When asked why the statement of the  ODIHR, the OSCE, and the Parliamentary Assembly  differs greatly from the estimates of the European Parliament and the PACE , Voisin said that the last mission were small and  conducted a short-term monitoring, and the ODIHR  OSCE conducted a long term  monitoring, and covered the whole country.

Then  there  began a  scandal  at the press-conference when pro-government journalists began to shout, accusing the OSCE of bias. Instead of asking questions, they began to accuse members of the mission, plugging their mouths.

In turn, Zuletta could say that the restriction of fundamental freedoms , intimidation of candidates and voters are serious  violations, and  means that Azerbaijan does not comply with OSCE commitments. The words caused a new wave of outrage of pro-government journalists who began to shout, and  prevented the  press conference.—06C--  


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