R.Cekuta: the United States in assessing the human rights situation has no malice

The US ambassador to Baku Robert Sekyuta held on Tuesday at his residence traditional annual meeting with graduates of various educational exchange programs.

The ambassador noted that the US seeks to assist in obtaining education in America youth of different countries. "We believe that such projects could contribute to the training of specialists for Azerbaijan",  the ambassador said. Asking the question from Turan, is it possible to bring educational programs t the Azerbaijani officials, the ambassador replied:

I do not know what level officials do you mean, but the embassy has a program "International Guests" on which  the  people with leadership qualities and able to benefit the country visit  the USA.  They gain experience in a variety of fields - from climate change to good governance. Along with this, there are embassies and other aid programs, which allow to inculcate good skills in the country in areas including governance.

Head of Public Affairs  Department of the  US Embassy, Steven Geis, in turn, added that in his time the participants of the "International guests" were Tony Blair and Angela Merkel. Cekuta also noted that he closely followed the European games, and was impressed by them. He especially enjoyed the work of  volunteers.

"By receiving guests  and courteous treatment they  very  well represented Azerbaijan," said the ambassador. With regard  to the  critical report of the State Department on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan, the Ambassador ruled out any malice in it.

The purpose of the report is a detailed and accurate reflection of the human rights situation in various countries, no matter what a country: Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, Germany.

"Reports in some countries provide a framework for future dialogue, because human rights are a very important factor, along with the economy and security,"  said Cekuta.-08C-

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