Son of Shikhali Gurbanov suing the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry

Diplomat Ilgar Gurbanov decided to sue the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan. December 12 at 16.00 Baku Administrative - Economic Court 1 will take consideration of his claim.

The lawsuit was filed on his recalling from a long trip abroad and failure to provide other work a year ago.

Gurbanov demands restoration of his labor rights and compensation for material and moral damages. Turan was told by the plaintiff's sister Gulnara Gurbanova.

Gurbanov more than 20 years has been in the diplomatic service. His last office was as Minister-Counselor at the Embassy of Azerbaijan in the Czech Republic.

October 1, 2012 by the order of the Minister Gurbanov was withdrawn and since then has not guaranteed a job.

In October this year Gurbanov filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Yasamal district court. However, the latter refused to hear the case, sending it to Baku Administrative - Economical Court N 1.

Gurbanov's rights are protected by lawyer Fuad Agayev.

Gurbanov is a son of the late statesman and public figure of Azerbaijan Shikhali Gurbanov. -05B-


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