The opposition again wants to hold a meeting in Fountain Square

A group of opposition activists has scheduled a protest for November 17 at 15:00 demanding the dissolution of parliament. The information about it was posted on the social network facebook group  and is called: "Dissolve Parliament-2." Among the organizers are the activists of the Popular Front Party Natig Adilov, Gezal Bayramli, Asif Yusifli, etc.

The reason for demanding the dissolution of parliament is the scandal following the release of a video interview with the deputy Gular Akhmedova and the Rector of the International University Elshad Abdullayev, where they bargain on the amount of bribes for parliamentary mandate.

On October 20 at Fountain Square, the same group held a protest demanding the dissolution of parliament, but police prevented the action and 13 of the action participants were  sentenced to administrative detention from seven to 10 days.—06D—


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