A.Zeynalli: no press freedom left in Azerbaijan

There is no practically freedom of the press in Azerbaijan, reads an interview with Turan of former political prisoner, editor of "Khural" newspaper Avaz Zeynalli.

Comparing the situation before his arrest three years ago and now - after his release, he said:

"There is no freedom of press. I have not decided yet what I will do, I must seriously think about it," he said. During his 1158-day detention, he was trying to deal in journalism - writing, to monitor the available media and TV programs. This allows us to state changes in politics, TV channels, newspapers and individual journalists. "Over the past period we have witnessed the extinction of individual editors and their politicization."

Asking the question about his position, he said that in prison he did not take someone else's terms, and did not bent to anyone.

To the question why he went to the grave of Heydar Aliyev and his wife, Zeynalli said that "I did it before many times," adding that he visited the graves of other state and public figures. "I have never bowed to no someone's grave. There is not any monument in Azerbaijan to which I bowed," said Zeynalli. -03В-

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