Even if they replace Ramin Bayramli with another representative of the "reformist" cadres, nothing will change

Question: What will change the resignation of Ramin Bayramli? Will his resignation  have a beneficial effect on the activities of AMMTU?

Məmməd Talıblı

Answer: The result of these resignations will only be a change of personalities. But this will not determine the course of the institutional solution. And that is why - although a misunderstanding between the heads of the two institutions - the chairmen of OUMTP and SACMI - is cited as the reason for the decision to resign, the exact reasons are not given. Therefore, if tomorrow Ramin Bayramli is replaced by another representative of the "reformist" cadres, again nothing will change.

Question: A few days ago, information about the construction of a villa by Ramin Bayramli appeared on social networks. Do you think this can serve as a reason for the resignation, or did the process proceed according to a scenario prearranged by the top officials?

Answer: I think that just the opposite - the “building blocks” of this system are experienced schemers who are ready to do anything for the sake of money, who want to become oligarchs. They are perceived as a support. They are considered to be easy to do business with. And those who are not stained with dirt and hesitate, entering this path, are considered as an alien element. Sooner or later, they get rid of them. Therefore, I do not believe that any official was eliminated because he built himself a two- or three-story mansion. According to the available information, the head of the SACMI Zaur Aliyev wanted to curtail the powers of the chairman of the AMMTU, who is subordinate to him, and make him a purely symbolic figure. Such an unhealthy attitude, the "war of nerves" led to the fact that Ramin Bayramli's patience ran out.

Question: Many people welcomed the resignation of Ramin Bayramli, presenting it as a manifestation of the “culture of resignation”. But you know that in Azerbaijan no official can resign of his own accord. Perhaps this move was made in order to save the AMMTU?

Answer: There is no expression “culture of resignation” in the lexicon of those who are in our political system. The system does not feel the need for this. By calling such a culture of civilized care “betrayal,” they demotivate others. On the contrary, if any official resigns of his own free will, then he is viewed not as a team member, but as an “uncontrollable” person. If a decision from his team has been formed at the top, then he is advised to resign, and then he writes a letter of resignation. I am familiar with one such person. He's a law professor. Once he comes to work, he learns that he was dismissed from the position of the head of the department. He was surprised , and was trying to understand the reason for dismissal, but nothing comes to mind. Finally, plucking up the courage, he asked the person who fired him (the clan representative): “I have no objection to my dismissal. I just would like to know the reason. They answered him: “You were not told the reason when you were appointed to the position, just as they will not indicate it when you are fired. You can go." Since then, this thought has stuck in my head. In this system, those who are appointed to the position must understand that this is a rule of management.

Question: During the pandemic, the second body that controls the health care system was also left without a leader. The post of Minister of Health has been emptying for quite some time. And now, the head of AMMTU has resigned. What will happen? And in general, what is happening in this area? Can this situation be considered the result of a conflict between two structures?

Answer: Actually, the Presidential Administration should thoroughly analyze the reasons for this. They should clarify the distribution of powers and spheres of influence between the two institutions. In fact, the excess of authority occurs due to the lack of a clear distribution of responsibilities and rights. The main factor causing crisis situations in management is associated with the duplication of the executive bodies (the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers and other executive structures) of activities, functions and areas of responsibility, which generates contradictions between them.

Question: In Azerbaijan, usually an organization is liquidated, and then its head is dismissed. This time the leader was the first to leave. Could it be that AMMTU will be liquidated in the near future?

Answer: In fact, apart from the announcements for the next month at the briefings, we did not see the effective activity of the AMMTU. In the health care system, which is in a deplorable state, AMMTU has failed to become a structure that stands out as something positive. However, to be honest, at the briefings there were not so many negative comments in the theses of Ramin Bayramli. There was a polite reaction and an interest in self-expression. But when the support is weak, the color of the persona doesn't really matter.

Question: How should the healthcare system and compulsory medical insurance be built in Azerbaijan?

Answer: Azerbaijan's health care system is difficult to strengthen with reforms. It seems that first it must be destroyed and then re-created. The Minister of Health must be responsible, professional and prepared enough that his views can provide an overview of our health care system. With such a slow person like Ogtay Shiraliyev, who thinks only about money and lacks a sense of responsibility for the well-being of society, we should thank heaven for having survived to this day. The funds received by the Ministry of Health from the state budget should be increased, (in accordance with the criteria of the World Health Organization), transparent reporting of the Accounts Chamber should be established over them, etc. Control mechanisms should be established over private health facilities, not serious intervention.

And most importantly, SACMI must be functional. Since this year, our income is taxed, but there is no access to services yet. What does it mean? Absorption of funds allocated to the Agency from the state budget and tax revenues. Both directions have a financial flow of over one billion manats, but in the end there is no result. Such an agency must become functional without fail.

Kamran Mahmudov

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