Azərbaycan və Türkiyə Hərbi Hava Qüvvələrinin birgə təlimləri

Azərbaycan və Türkiyə Hərbi Hava Qüvvələrinin birgə təlimləri


Turan: The Azerbaijani army has been conducting large-scale operations with the moral support of Turkey since September 27 to liberate its lands from Armenian occupation. All lands in the southern regions, including the banks of the Araz River, have been liberated. What would you say about the current stage of operations?

Tantan: Turkey's firm position in the form of "We stand by Azerbaijan until complete victory" was a factor that raised the mood of the Azerbaijani army. It was impossible for Armenia, a toy of the imperialist forces, to stand in front of a strong Azerbaijan from military, intelligence, and political point of view. Everyone already knows that without the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the conflicts in the region will not end and stability will not be established. There is no way back for the Azerbaijani army from the point it arrived at. Further military and political processes will also be in favor of Azerbaijan.

Turan: First Russia and then Iran gave different meanings to Turkey's moral support to Azerbaijan, accusing Ankara of "Turkish jihadist forces destabilizing the Caucasus". For what purpose are they doing this, will these accusations have any effect on Turkey and Azerbaijan?

Sadettin TantanTantan: Turkey's strategic position forces us to be active in the geography from the Adriatic Sea to the Great Wall of China. Therefore, our land, air, and naval forces are very important not only for our independence and security but also for our political and diplomatic strength. We see this when we look at the Libya issue in North Africa. We encountered the same speculations first in Syria and then in Iraq. The most obvious example of this is the Greater Middle East Project. The occupying forces, which see themselves as the gendarmes of the world, use every means to destroy countries that seek to pursue independent policies. In energy wars, where ones have others fought, Turkey has to further strengthen its relations and ties with brotherly and allied countries, especially Azerbaijan. Russia currently has important positions with the United States in Syria and Libya. Iran also continues its actions in Syria, Iraq, and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf to maintain its influence in the region. Both Russia and Iran do not want Azerbaijan to become stronger in the Caucasus and the Turkic states in Central Asia, they think it would result in their weakening. Therefore, there is no reason to blame Turkey.

Turan: While the Azerbaijani army is resolutely advancing, there are calls and even pressure from Russia and the West for a "ceasefire" and "peace talks." Do you think it is right for Azerbaijan to go to the "peace table" now?

Tantan: At the end of every battle, there is definitely a table. But the important thing is how strong you sit at that table. Azerbaijan is liberating its lands with its strong army and resolute advance. Operations must continue resolutely and diplomatic calls for a "ceasefire" and "peace" must be dealt with diplomatically. That is, Azerbaijan must be on the battlefield and at the table at the same time.

Turan: You are one of the most experienced politicians and statesmen in Turkey. What concrete proposals and plans do you have for further development of relations with Azerbaijan?

Tantan: What can be more natural than sharing the common fate for Turkey and Azerbaijan, which are, as the great leader of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, said, "One Nation, Two States"? The inevitability of this union with other countries of the same race too loses the imperialist powers’ sleep. First of all, in order for the Turkic world to stand on its own two feet in the wide geography extending over far Asia, especially in the Caucasus and the Middle East, it is necessary to further develop a common language and culture and open trade channels to the end. Military integration must be strengthened.

Turan: The backbone of the Azerbaijani national army is generals and officers trained in Turkish military academies. Most of them know you. What messages do you have for our commanders and soldiers on the front lines?

Tantan: Of course, well-educated and well-trained commanders with extensive experience in headquarters have a great role in the overwhelming advantage of the Azerbaijani army over Armenia. The tactics and shock attacks used in the war on the front demonstrate the strength of the Azerbaijani army, from ordinary soldiers to officers and generals. Brotherly Azerbaijan has an army that has won the war. I cordially greet all of them and wish the occupied homeland to be liberated as soon as possible.

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