G. Suleymanov: Combatants in Syria will create problems for Azerbaijan

Azeris are really fighting in Syria. However, media reports that one hundred Azerbaijanis died there are exaggerated . This was said by the head of the religious community of the mosque Abubakr Gamet Suleymanov in the interview with Objective TV.

According to him, the Azeris are fighting in Syria because of the fact there are "internal and external causes", attracting Azerbaijanis to religious radicalism .

External causes are the death of a large number of people in Muslim countries in wars and conflicts . Religious radicals , seeing this, send people to the combat zone to help the Muslims .

With regard to internal reasons, this is oppression of believers, closing mosques , rising anti-religious measures. Radical forces skillfully use these factors , said Suleymanov.

According to him, Azerbaijan has forces supporting religious radicalism . " However, these people do not act openly as radical groups , they operate secretly . In Sumgait the same people operated. Due to differences of opinion, they used weapons against each other . They have considered this the norm .

Against me and the mosque Abubakr an attack also took place . We do not agree with them. They do not consider Muslims those who disagree with them, and this means they can be killed," said Suleymanov.

According to him , the Azerbaijani religious radicals fighting abroad , including Syria , after their return, begin to spread their beliefs.

" This can create problems , but I do not believe that could destabilize the situation," he said.

At the same time, Suleymanov urged his countrymen to return from Syria and other countries to serve their faith and to live in accordance with the laws of Azerbaijan. " Their trip to Syria and other countries does not solve anything. Conversely, it is a big problem for the local population," said Gamet Suleymanov . -03B04-

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