The trial of Zeynalli - a political order


The trial of the founder and chief editor of Khural, Avaz Zeynalli, does not follow the law, and looks more like a political show, said lawyer Elchin Sadigov, in an interview to television channel Objective TV. 

    According to Sagidov, the court did not address  any of the five plaintiffs in the cases of insulting their honor and dignity, in order to transfer the amount of compensation for moral damages to their account. Agabek Askerov, director of the publishing house Azerbaijan does not require compensation, insisting only on the refutation, but the court still decided to pay him the money.

    All of the plaintiffs, from the brewer to the head of administration of the country's president, wrote the same, judging by the style, legal, and even grammatical errors, statements of claim and demand for 10,000 manat. This is evidence that the source of dissatisfaction with the journalist is a single one.

    The trial is also arbitrary. The assistant of the deputy from the ruling, Gular Ahmedova kicked Zeynalli’s brother, and in the audience there was swearing by the plaintiff, but the judge did not put a stop to their illegal actions. The plaintiffs during the trial behave as if the sentence is already written and it is left to be announced.

    Despite the demands of the lawyer of the accused on review of the facts of theft of public funds, the judge does not accept the petition for review. MP Gular Ahmadova stated that she offered a bribe to the editor, but the court did not take this into account, although by law she must be held accountable, too.

    The custom-made nature of the court is also shown by the fact that the bailiffs during the inventory of the editorial and personal property of Zeynalli, above all, seized and carried away all the computers with database, disks, mobile phones, photo and video, said the lawyer.

    Even more arbitrariness is against the director of the regional TV channel Khayal Vugar Gonagov and the editor of this television Zaur Guliyev accused of organizing mass riots on March 1 this year in the Guba region of Azerbaijan. These journalists from 30 March are in custody and many forms of physical coercion was used against them, but to date there have been no investigative action. The instructions of the General Prosecutor's Office signed by the head of this office Zakir Garalov say that investigations against the accused should be undertaken at least once every five days, but this does not happen.

    A sad thing is that at the request of the prosecutor's office the people that assembled and put on Youtube the performance of the Guba region’s chief executive, which provoked popular unrest in this area, have been found. In this case Gonagov and Guliyev, the defendants on this paragraph, shall be exempt from criminal liability, but they are still in prison, and, they are not allowed even to meet their relatives and friends.

    While prosecutors, courts and related law enforcement agencies still ignore the rights of the citizens, no reform in the field of law can occur, believes the lawyer. -17D-



 Press Review of 10.07.12


    Official newspapers write about the visit to Azerbaijan of the Russian State Duma delegation.

    The newspaper Yeni Azerbaijan believes that representatives of international organizations coming to Azerbaijan stopped to meet with representatives of the opposition. This was seen as a loss of faith in opposition in the West.


     Azadlig wrote that the football club Gabala formerly owned by Kamaladdin Heydarov was handed to the President’s son-in-law Samed Gurbanov. The newspaper sees it as new oppression of the Minister of Emergency Situations.

    The President awarded a group of employees of the State Committee for Diaspora awards on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the body. However, the head of this committee, Nazim Ibrahimov, was "forgotten" and did not receive an award.



    The ex-president Ayaz Mutalibov returned to his homeland, but for this he had to abandon political activity.

    Political analyst Zardusht Alizadeh, speaking about the political situation in Azerbaijan, said that the main task of the authorities is to ensure that people remained ignorant.



     Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov called the proposal by the OSCE Minsk Group on Karabakh settlement ridiculous.



    In Azerbaijan, the revenues of the rich exceed the incomes of the poor 50 times.


    Bizim Yol

    The Chairman of the PFPA Jalilabad branch, Tazahanu Miralamli, was not given a meeting with his son, who is a convicted juvenile. In protest, the father is going to organize a hunger strike in front of the jail for juveniles, where his son is kept.


    Yeni Musavat

    The British newspaper The Telegraph says that the contractors of BP give a bribe to the authorities of Azerbaijan. In Britain, an investigation started into corruption related to Azerbaijan.

    The paper argues that the United States and Britain refused to issue visas to law enforcement officers from Azerbaijan.


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