Warlick Believes in Sincerity of Russia

At the meeting in St. Petersburg on June 20, as well as during the meeting in Vienna in May this year, good results were achieved and positive steps were taken for the settlement. In an interview with the radio Voice of America this was said by the US co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick, commenting on the meeting of the Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

According to him, the conflict cannot be resolved in two meetings and certain progress is taking place, which means that such meetings should continue. It is important to understand that the Presidents are committed to the negotiation process and the cease-fire, which creates conditions for further steps, Warlick said.

After the Vienna summit the sides have abided by the ceasefire. It is important that both sides support the extension of the OSCE mission. "In Vienna, the development of certain paragraphs dragged on. I encourage the parties to reach an agreement and to extend the OSCE mission.

Both summits discussed the mechanism of investigation by the OSCE. We worked on the proposals of the parties.

Along with this, fundamental negotiations should take place, covering key issues. I want to note that the Presidents discuss several important proposals and, when discussing them, disagreements arise.

We do not expect complete agreement, although both Presidents agreed to work together on these proposals, said Warlick.

When asked what the biggest obstacle in the talks is, Warlick said evasively, saying that the Presidents should hold a closed meeting and the conversation should not be made public. The points, on which agreement has not been reached, are more than those, on which there is agreement. As a result, the agreement must be on all the issues. Issues that have been discussed for over 20 years have to be solved.

The diplomat believes that there is a peaceful way to resolve the conflict, and the Presidents of the two countries seem to believe it and understand that there is no military solution. The situation at the front is now more complicated than before, because there are heavy weapons. This increases the risk of large-scale war that would be a disaster for the region, Warlick said.

Asked about the contradictions between the US and Russia, the diplomat said that the issue of settlement of the Karabakh conflict is not such a case. "If the Russians did not want to settle the conflict, they would not spend so much time on it," he said.

Commenting on the sale of Russian arms to both sides, the diplomat evaded a direct answer, saying that he believes in the "sincerity" of Russia, which actually wants a peaceful settlement.

On the question of a new meeting between the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Warlick said that the time of a new meeting is not scheduled  and it depends on the Presidents themselves. -03D-

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