At the trial in the case of Nardaran

In the  Serious Crimes Court continued trial  in the case of 16 activists of the "Muslim unity" Movement  and APFP deputy chairman Fuad Gahramanli. An important point today  became the fact that next to each lawyer were special forces soldiers of the Prison Service. This angered the accused and lawyers who could not communicate. Defendant Abbas Huseynov said that the Prison Service has decided to punish them after yesterday's incident, when the defendants threw shoes at the representative of the Office for Combating Organized Crime Ministry of Internal Affairs, who spoke in court as a witness.

"We threw plastic bottles and shoes on Shahlar Jafarov, and then  they stopped giving  us water. Maybe we did wrong, but  it was because of torment these people gave us.  To throw shoes in person with the character of the devil is like a stone thrown on  devil during Hajj," said Huseynov. The judge replied that he did not forbid  giving water to defendants, however, the water can be given in plastic cups, he said.

As for the appearance of an armed commando  near every lawyer, it is related to security, the judge said. "This is a flagrant violation of the right to defense. This is a demonstration of force and pressure. You do not give us to communicate with our lawyers. If they are not  taken away, we will protest," the defendant, Fuad Mustafayev said.

After that, the accused turned  their faces to the wall, and refused to answer questions. Only after  that the judge removed the armed commandos from the lawyers.

Abil Bayramov's lawyer called on the court to return the personal car of his client Zakir Mustafayev, which was actually confiscated by the police. Further  orders gave  the department against organized criminality Vugar Isgandarov, who spoke as a witness and victim at the same time.

He said that the detained during an operation in Nardaran a man named Ali, who had  a knife, brass knuckles and explosive. His defendant Ali Nuriyev said that the police seven rubber bullets. "If he only detained me and fell me to the ground, why he shot me seven times?" he asked.   The trial is ongoing. -16d-

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