Azerbaijani Embassy will assist Sevinj Tagiyeva

The Embassy of Azerbaijan to the United States, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will provide all kinds of consular and legal assistance to Sevinj Tagiyeva, detained by U.S. law enforcement agencies. According to Foreign Ministry spokesman Elman Abdullayev, now a citizen of Azerbaijan Sevinj Tagiyeva is contained in the Houston jail on charges of violating export procedures. Tagiyev is one of the 11 arrested on a spy case.

On October 2 in Houston, eight people were arrested, accused of illegal export of U.S. microchips. They were accused of spying for not licensed export of high technology. In total, 11 people are charged. According to media reports, among the accused there is another citizen of Azerbaijan named Shovket Abdullayev. -03B04-


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