Cleaning of Vehicles from Khagani Street

For several days the traffic police have arranged a "cleansing" of Khagani Street by collecting the parked vehicles, towing them with trucks to parking areas and fining the drivers.

Today at noon, the traffic police started a real operation before the business center Landmark. About two dozen policemen cleared the street on the side of the British Embassy and the Tahir shop.

This operation was filmed by a Turan correspondent, who turned on the spot. His photographing the street literally infuriated the "cops," who, forgetting about cars, detained the correspondent and demanded an explanation.

"Who are you, who gave you the right to photograph public officials?" the outraged Sgt. shouted.

"Take him to the police station; there they will consider the case," ordered another one. The press credentials did not impress the sergeants who began to shout that the presented credentials were not a document.

"How do I know who you are, maybe you are an Armenian!" shouted the third sergeant. Reference to the press law did not impress the cops, as they apparently never heard of it.

The noise and clamor attracted a lieutenant who called himself "a senior on the track."

To the request to introduce himself, the lieutenant snapped: "I'm from Nakhchivan."

For 15 minutes the lieutenant demanded erasing the photos and tried to prove that no one can film by a mobile phone (!).

"You have no right," he said. To the question where it is written, he could not give an answer.

Eventually he got tired of the situation and he returned the license, adding: "Go and do so no longer."

Asked to comment, he said: "We are holding an event and you disgrace and criticize us. Is that right?" - 02B-


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