Defendants deny arson villas head Guba

Today the trial in the case of the eight accused in the events in Guba region on March 1 of this year, continued in the Guba regional court.

On March 1, due to abuse by the former head of Guba region, Rauf Khabibov,   thousands of residents on the region rallied in front of the regional administration. They demand the resignation of Khabibov; the action of protest turned into riots, during which Khabibov’s house and some of the support structures of the district administration were burnt.

During the trial, the judge Zamin Tahirov did not allow keeping pictures and videos. According to the representative of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly, Avtandil Mammadli, after the announcement of the indictment, the testimonies of four defendants were heard.  

Resident of Guba region, Farhad Abdurakhmanov, said that he participated in the protest, but he was not involved in the destruction of the property of the regional administration and the villas of Khabibov. According to him, he just loudly voiced their displeasure. 

Samir   Khanmedov said that he participated in a protest in front of the region’s administration only in the morning, and was among those who entered the building of executive power. He stressed that he was arrested in the morning, and could not be among those who participated in the arson   of Khabibov’s villa. 

Murad Zakirov said that he threw stones at the building of the chief executive, but not set fire to houses.

Sakhavat Alasgarov said that was near the villa, but did not participate in the arson and destruction.

On    September 11 the trial will continue, and four other defendants will be heard to.

Defendants are charged under the following Articles of the Criminal Code: 186.2.2 (destruction or damage to another's property by arson, which led to grave consequences), 233 (organization of actions aimed at disturbing public order or active participation in them), and 315.1 (resistance to authority or the use of force against the authorities). If the guilt of the accused is confirmed, they will be sentenced up to seven years in prison.—16B06-


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