Elchin Hasanov Sentenced to One Year of Corrective Labor

The Nizami District Court of Baku sentenced the journalist Elchin Hasanov accused of hooliganism today. The court reclassified the charge on a more serious article 221.3 (hooliganism with the use of bladed weapons) to a less serious one - 221.1 (hooliganism) and sentenced the journalist to a year of corrective labor with 20% of the monthly salary. Earlier, the prosecutor suggested sentencing Hasanov to 3.5 years in prison.

As the lawyer Fariz Namazly told Turan, the defense does not agree with the verdict and plans to appeal it. According to him, the prosecution lacks a legal basis and the defense intends to seek full acquittal.

The lawyer called an eloquent testimony to bias the case management by the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (MDCOC) MIA.

In addition, there are no witnesses to the incident and all the prosecution is built on the testimony of the victim.

During the trial the investigation’s version on the use of bladed weapons by Hasanov collapsed. It was not confirmed either by the victim or the medical examiner. This fact was the reason for reclassifying the charges to less serious ones.

Article 221.1 is subject to the amnesty. However, as explained by the lawyer, Hasanov will not enjoy it, because the verdict will come into force only 20 days later that is after June 15, when the execution of the amnesty act will begin.

The criminal case is related to an incident a year ago when Hasanov was attacked by the former head of the agency Asiya Jafar Jafarov. Jafarov is now on trial on charges of extortion. After the incident, Hasanov appealed to the police, and after some time Jafarov was arrested not on Hasanov’s complaint, but in connection with the facts of extortion.

 However, in March of this year, a criminal case was initiated against Hasanov himself. Hasanov said that he is being persecuted for his journalistic and opposition activities. He is the deputy editor of the Sumgait Internet newspaper Yukselish Namine (yukselis.info). In addition, he is a member of the Supreme Majlis of PFPA and deputy head of the NGO Legal Education of Sumgait Youth. The start of the criminal case against Hasanov coincided with his publications on the topic of corruption and embezzlement in the army.  -06B----

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