Entrepreneurs of Automotive Market Demand Compensation

Entrepreneurs, who suffered losses as a result of yesterday's fire in the automotive market, demand compensation.

The fire that broke out on Thursday around 21.00 was extinguished around midnight. As a result, about fifty stores of spare parts and car accessories burned partly or completely. One of the owners told Turan that his damage is 100 thousand dollars. He invested in the opening of the store, taking the credit in Accessbank and selling a dacha plot in Ismayilli. He considers the market owner, co-owner of the network of shops Bizim Market Rasim Salmanov has to compensate for his losses.

Entrepreneurs require inviting foreign experts to assess the value of their goods burnt. They also complain that the fire was extinguished too late and the firefighters did not manage to find water to extinguish the fire in time.

On Friday morning the employees of MOE continued the investigation on the scene of the fire and traders are not allowed into the market.

According to MOE, there are no dead or wounded. Total burned 900 square meters of the total area of 3 thousand sq. m. According to preliminary data, 50 stores burned. Some of them were insured. -16D-

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