психолог Азад Исазаде

психолог Азад Исазаде

Baku / 28.08.18 / Turan: The draft law "On Psychological Aid" is being prepared in Azerbaijan. Turan was informed about this by the well-known psychologist Azad Isazadeh.

Although he himself is not involved in the process of drafting the bill, he is acquainted with the work in this direction from several participants in the development of the document.

The expert pointed to the great need for such a law, noting that there is still no state or public structure in the country uniting psychologists. Some of them operate within the framework of NGOs, and others - in commercial structures.

"In Azerbaijan, there is currently a shortage of child psychologists, medical and clinical psychologists. These specialists can not replace each other," Isazadeh said.

At the same time, he was at a loss to answer the question whether the future law would solve the existing problems.

"It is still difficult to say if the new law will serve the development of this sphere," Isazadeh said.

It should be reminded that the bill "On Psychological Aid" was prepared by the Milli Majlis Committee on Health and is included in the agenda of the autumn session of the Parliament. -05D06-

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