Heydar Aliyev Foundation will finance the restoration of the Roman catacombs


Heydar Aliyev Foundation, headed by First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban. Aliyeva, will assume the cost of restoring the Roman catacombs in the name of Saints Peter and Marcellinus ad duas lauros (" at two laurels"), located on Cathilina Street.

    "For the first time in history a big country professing Islam has demonstrated "generous willingness to incur costs to rebuild one of the most cherished places of historical memory and the Christian faith," leads the Russian service of Radio Vatican the words of the President of the Pontifical Council for Culture Cardinal Gianfranco Ravazzi, with which he commented on the decision of the Azerbaijani Fund.

    The decision came into force on 22 June, after the signing of a joint document in the Vatican. At 17.30 the protocol will be signed by Mrs Aliyeva and Cardinal Ravazzi, as President of the Pontifical Academy of Sacred Archaeology. "This, - said the cardinal, - is a valuable sign of attention, contributing to closer intercultural relations and the wider inter-religious dialogue," according to Blagovest Info.

    From where the money comes to the Heydar Aliyev Foundation - a nonprofit organization is not reported.

    Earlier, Mrs. Aliyeva financed the restoration of stained glass in the Strasbourg church of the 13th century, as well as the restoration of carpets in the Louvre. 02B-





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