Ilhama Guliyeva Could Not Run, but Moves - Azad Rahimov

The sensation of the day was the statement by Sports Minister Azad Rahimov that one of the torchbearers of the European Games in Baku will be 70-year-old singer Ilhama Guliyeva.

At the event at the Fairmont Hotel on Tuesday CEO Executive Operating Committee of the European Games in 2015, Azad Rahimov, reported that the European Games torch has passed through 60 cities and districts of the country.

"Among the 150 torchbearers in Baku will be the singer Ilhama Guliyeva. Even if she cannot run, then she will come at least 20-30 meters, and then pass the torch," said Azad Rahimov, without explaining how an old woman, who underwent surgery on the heart, can do it. He also did not explain who invited Guliyeva for this mission.

Referring to the route of the torch, Rahimov said that the fire reaches the capital on 6 June and will "walk" through the capital and its outskirts for a week.

During the first night's stay in Baku, the torch will come to the Maiden Tower.

On June 7 the torch will be carried along the Boulevard to the White City, and from there on Avenue Neftchilar until Flag Square.

  In a day the torch will be brought to the Arena named after Heydar Aliyev, and then to the Gymnastic Arena, the Water Sports Center, the beach Bilgah, the Republican Stadium named after Tofig Bahramov, the Basketball Arena and the Bike Park.

On June 9 the torch will be carried to Icheri Sheher, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs.

On June 10 it will be carried on Nizami Street, Fountain Square, Mountain Park, Winter Park and return to the Maiden's Tower.

 The day before the opening of the Games the fire will be put on Maiden Tower and will be held in the Seaside Boulevard, and then by boat it will be delivered to the Bay of Sadko, Rahimov said. From there, it will be carried to the Olympic Stadium for the opening.

Note that the torch with the fire of the first European Games began its journey throughout Azerbaijan on April 26, starting from the complex Ateshgah.

 Note that Sadko Bay in Baku does not exist any longer. In the Soviet times, there was a seafront cafe called Sadko, which was demolished more than 10 years ago. It remains a mystery why the minister of independent Azerbaijan remembered and used the name of the hero of Russian mythology. -23B-

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