Media Review for February 27

The ceremony of memory of the Khojaly tragedy, the likelihood of a sharp rise in prices in the country, a discussion of the corona virus theme, and the bias of tendering are topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the memorial ceremony of the Khojaly tragedy - the 28th anniversary. Among the participants in the ceremony were also representatives of Turkey, and the event was massive.

The website writes about the likelihood of a serious increase in prices in the country due to the closure of borders with Iran, from where various goods come to Azerbaijan. The same goods can be bought in Turkey and Russia, but it will cost more.

The same situation is with imports from China. Experts believe there is no alternative to the Chinese market for cheapness.

A special situation is in Nakhchivan where products will have to be delivered by air.

The website writes about the corona virus in Iran, which also threatens neighboring countries. Experts do not trust official statements about the absence of this infection in Azerbaijan.

There are also problems with the diagnosis of this disease and this requires special tests and reagents.

Although the border with Iran is partially closed, air communication nevertheless remains.

On the website Ismail Alekperov, head of the well-known IT company Neuron Technologies, claims that tenders in Azerbaijan are biased, with serious violations. Through tender commissions, the state budget is plundered. Over the past 10 years, numerous tenders have been accompanied by serious offenses.

The businessman writes complaints to government agencies, but there is no sense. Many times he was the winner of tenders, but they did not conclude agreements with him. In 90% of the cases, the winners are known in advance.   –0---


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