Media review for March 25, 2020

The situation with coronavirus in Azerbaijan, the likelihood that the virus will cause a deep crisis, problems with the daily earnings of some citizens due to the restrictions introduced, the likelihood of gas prices falling in the world market are the topics of today's media.

The “” website discusses the current situation with coronavirus. The Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers reports that another 15 people have been infected. Thus, currently 76 active patients with coronavirus are under special observation. The position of six of them is rated as moderate, the rest feel normal. In quarantine zones created in various hospitals, 2126 people are currently being examined.

The Azadlı website writes that the coronavirus will cause a severe crisis, discussing this issue with expert Rovshan Agayev. He recalls that over the past 2 thousand years, mankind has faced such troubles 4 or 5 times, but, nevertheless, it has survived. However, the expert believes that it is necessary to seriously prepare for the post-viral period, since difficult times will begin for the global economy. Unemployment, poverty, and social tension will increase. “In this situation, one should not hope for the formation of a favorable pricing environment on world commodity markets.

The site “” discusses with the lawyer Roman Garashov what concessions to the population the authorities will make. For example, restrictions on entry into the capital will be lifted from people registered in the districts, but working in Baku. According to the lawyer, the main question is how low-income families will live. What material support will be provided to them.

The website writes about an undesirable threat for Azerbaijan - a drop in oil prices, which will lead to a drop in gas prices. Experts say that currently on the European market the cost of 1000 cubic meter of gas is below $ 200, and liquefied gas is even cheaper. China was the largest buyer of gas, now the situation has changed, since most industrial facilities are stopped. By the middle of this year, gas will become even cheaper, the expert said. It will decrease even below 150 dollars, such a probability is high. Europe will also stop its enterprises, thus, gas consumption will decrease even more.


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