Media Review November 17, 2018

The Day of National Revival in Azerbaijan, the pros and cons of cotton growing, the situation with educational loans are the leading topics of today's media.

The newspaper "Azerbaijan" writes about the Day of the Renaissance, celebrated on November 17. The author recalls the November events of 1988, taking a look at the history of the national-collective struggle against the Soviet empire, the Armenian separatism, which had openly turned into news of Azerbaijan. In 1993 Heydar Aliyev came to power, and took the countryout of the crisis prevailing at that time in the country. Now Azerbaijan is a country leader in the region, has a certain image, 30 years ago it all looked like a dream, says the author.

The newspaper Yeni Musavat writes about the situation with cotton. Avor writes that in the upcoming 7 years it is planned to sow 200 thousand hectares of cotton, and to increase the harvest to 700 thousand tons. 132 thousand 502 hectares have already been sown with cotton in Azerbaijan, production is forecast to increase to 260 thousand tons. According to the State Statistics Committee on November 13, 209 thousand 368 tons of cotton were delivered to reception points. There are 18 cotton-cleaning plants operating in the country, and another construction is being completed in Ujar. The author notes that the government"s view on cotton is not significant, since cotton takes pastures, which affects the development of livestock raising, increasing the import of milk and meat. Experts believe that cotton-growing can then be considered a profitable area when productivity is increased, monopolism in the field of processing is eliminated, and cartel collusion is also eliminated.

The site "" writes on educational loans. Over the past 5 years, more than 7,000 students were deprived of the opportunity to continue their studies due to the fact that they could not pay for it. Further, the author provides information on which banks and under what conditions they issue loans for education. For example, "Unibank" is ready to issue up to 20 thousand manats to working students' parents at a favorable percentage for 4 years. Warranties and insurance are not required, you will have to pay 19 manat per month, the author writes. The article provides data on the issuance of loans by other banks. Auth notes also recalls the creation of the Educational Credit Fund, which has so far signed 223 loan agreements on education. At present, about 150 thousand students study in Azerbaijan in 54 universities, 70% of which study at their own expense, and 30% at the expense of the state budget.

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