Media Review October 15

The successes of the last 15 years, problems with car sales, and the reasons for the growing interest in the Russian language are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the successes of the last 15 years. During this period of Ilham Aliyev"s rule, the people experienced a period of rebirth.

The main priorities of the President were stability, social welfare, and strong statehood, the article notes. Reforms and state programs have a real result, which the author cites in the article in the form of digital data, wandering from one article to another in this leading state-owned newspaper.

The website is discussing the acquisition of 22 Khazar SD cars by the Foundation for Promoting Moral Values ​​at the State Committee for Work with Religious Communities.

The Foundation paid AZN 359,986 for the cars. The cars are manufactured at the Neftchala plant Khazar SD, with a capacity of 10 thousand cars per year.

The first cars of this plant were purchased from the state budget account.

The author believes that the plant repeats the fate of Shemakha"s Azsamand and Nakhchivan"s NazLifan, since they are by and large not plants, but assembly shops that are no longer in operation.

So it turns out that these factories are built on budget funds, at the expense of them parts are purchased, then the finished products are bought again for budget funds and donated.

The website writes about the growth of interest in the Russian language. The situation is commented on by an expert in the field of education Nadir Israfilov. The Milli Majlis has already expressed concern about the growth trend of the Russian sector in schools.

There was even a proposal for the Russian sector to become paid. In South Azerbaijan, 35 million Azerbaijanis cannot receive education in their native Azeri language, and and in our country education in a foreign language is voluntary, the article says. -0----

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