Media Review September 11, 2018

The foreign policy of Azerbaijan, the view of the activities of the Bar Association, and the situation in the consumer market of the country are the leading topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the country's foreign policy, calling it a model of true independence. The author evaluates foreign policy on the basis of President Ilham Aliyev's visits to Russia and Croatia.

The article talks about the President's visit to Croatia and the signed Zagreb Declaration.

As for relations with Russia, they are built on the principle of mutual respect of interests. Official Baku, the author believes, cooperates with all politically polar countries with its balanced foreign policy, while ensuring its own national interests.

The website writes about the activities of the Bar Association, noting that it has become a structure for punishment. The comment of the Bar"s activity is given by the media expert Alasgar Mammadli. He stops his attention at the termination of the activities of 4 lawyers, who allegedly interfered with the fair trial procedure in the established order.

The newspaper Novoye Vremya writes that inflation is falling, and prices are rising, which is paradoxical. In January-August 2018, inflation in Azerbaijan compared with the same period last year was 2.7%, the State Statistics Committee said.

Prices for food rose for the reporting period by 2.7%, non-food products - by 3.2%, and services - by 2.4%.

It should be recognized that neither the Central Bank nor the Cabinet are ready to respond to inflationary challenges.

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