Since 12 September, one of the two major holidays in the Islamic world, Kurban Bayram (the Feast of Sacrifice, Eid al-Adha), is celebrated for the whole week. The holiday coincides with the end of the Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca.

According to the Qur'an, the archangel Gabriel appeared to the prophet Abraham in a dream and gave him a commandment from Allah to sacrifice his only son Ismail.

Ibrahim went to the valley of Mina to the place where now stands Mecca. His son, who knew about this, did not resist because he was obedient to the Father and God. However, it was a test. God rewarded Abraham for his loyalty and allowed him to sacrifice a sheep.

On the day of the holiday, since the morning, Muslims attend mosques and pay respects to the graves of their loved ones, and cut sacrificial animals. The meat is given to the poor and also delivered to nursing homes, boarding schools and orphanages.

In Azerbaijan, since the morning on September 12, mosques have been performing festive prayers.

On the occasion of Kurban Bayram the Cabinet of Ministers announced 12 and 13 September non-working days.

This year, 1,050 pilgrims from Azerbaijan have gone to Mecca for the Hajj.

The Caucasian Muslims Office (CMO) issued a recommendation on the occasion of Kurban Bayram. The festive appeal noted that the sacrifice of animals is necessary for people at the Hajj. Elsewhere sacrifice is a charitable act for the wealthy, and the distribution of sacrificial meat to the poor is a noble act.

The sacrificial animal should be healthy and well-fed and of a certain age: goats and sheep should be a year old, bulls should be more than two years old, and camels should be more than five years old.

Sacrificial meat should be divided into three parts: one should remain to the owner of the sacrificial animal, the second should be distributed to the poor, and the third should be distributed among relatives.

It is recommended to carry out the slaughter of sacrificial animals in compliance with the veterinary and sanitary standards. It is not recommended to cut the animals in front of children. However, these recommendations are ignored.  –0--

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