Nasibov - the victim and the accused in one person

In Nakhchivan City Court on 24 and 27 October, under the chairmanship of Mehman Allahverdiyev held preparatory meetings in two criminal cases - on the complaint of the human rights activist Ilgar Nasibov against Farid Asgarov and vice versa - the complaint from Asgarov about Nasibov.

Turan was told by Ilgar’s wife, the head of Nakhchivan Resource Center for Democracy and Human Rights, Malahat Nasibova.

Recall that Nasibov was severely beaten in the office of the Resource Center on August 21 by Askerov and others. He suffered multiple fractures and injuries.

Only two weeks later, a criminal case was filed on the fact under article 127.1 (deliberate infliction of less serious injury).

Two weeks later, on the basis of complaints from Asgarov criminal proceedings were initiated against Nasibov under the same article.

Still Nasibov continues to be treated. He is banned from leaving Nakhchivan for other regions of Azerbaijan, which does not allow Nasibov to get qualified medical care in Baku and abroad.

Usually a preventive measure prohibits departure from the country, but I. Nasibov is forbidden to leave Nakhchivan.

The spouses Ilgar and Malahat Nasibov are engaged in active advocacy and journalistic activities in Nakhchivan.

Local and international human rights organizations are convinced that the brutal beating of I. Nasibov is associated with the journalist and human rights activities of the spouses, who have long been exposing the gross violations of human rights and freedoms in Nakhchivan. -03B-

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