Next entrance examinations in the country

Baku / 20.05.18 / Turan: Today in Azerbaijan (May 20) regular admission examinations to higher and secondary special educational institutions of the country is taking place. Examinations are handed over to entrants of First and Fourth groups of specialties. Turan has been advised by the press service of the State Examination Center (SEC) that tests for knowledge testing are held in the cities of Baku, Nakhchivan, Ganja, Sumgait, Mingachevir, Sheki, Barda, Goychay, Shirvan, Lankaran and Khachmaz.

The process will be monitored by 229 supervisors and 2603 supervisory teachers from secondary general education institutions. The total number of entrants is 33,139 people, of which 28055 - for the 1st group, 5,084 - for the 2nd group of specialties. 137 young people are citizens of foreign countries. The most adult entrant is born in 1962, and the youngest is in 2003.

The first entrance examinations were held on May 13, in which attended by just over 35.000 boys and girls of the 2nd and 3rd groups of specialties. According to their results, seven entrants showed the maximum result, gaining 700 points. In the 2nd group - the highest result for two young talents. She is a graduate of the Sumgait Gymnasium with an emphasis on natural sciences Jahan Gashimzadeh, and Zhalya Rajabova, a graduate of the secondary school No. 8 of the city of Khachmaz.

In the third group of specialties, 700 points scored five people. These are the graduates of the Technical and Humanitarian Lyceum of Baku - Zeynab Guluzade, the Baku secondary school N45 - Elvin Kerimli, the Baku secondary school N89 - Shahhanim Hasanova, and the Baku Turkish Lyceum "Dəyanət Vaqfi" - Hayam Sultanli.

The total number of participants in the spring examination session was just over 69000 people.

According to the data of the State Examination Center, this year 45,159 planned places were allocated in 46 universities of Azerbaijan (growth compared to last year - 5,3%), of which only 2,494 or slightly more than 6% are places by state order. All other places are paid. Such an imbalance, many experts explain by the cancellation of the upper limit of admission of students to commercial places. Universities have the right to admit entrants as much as they want, of course, taking into account the number of classrooms and teachers.

Meanwhile, on 17 May the SEC announced the acceptance of documents for participation in the second summer round of examinations. Reception of documents will last till June 14. Examinations for the First and Fourth groups of specialties will be held on July 18, and for groups 2nd and 3rd - on July 26. Examinations for the Fifth group will be held on July 10. -0-

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