Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/15.01.21/Turan: Member of the NIDA civil movement, Elmir Abbasov, was brought to the police the day before because of the critical status of the President of Azerbaijan.

In the evening on January 12, a VAZ 21 07 car blocked his road on the street, Abbasov told Turan.

“The man in the car asked my name and offered to get into the car for a trip to the police for a conversation with the chief. I offered to send an official summons, but they forced me into a car and took me to the Sumgayit police department,” Abbasov said.

There he was told that the reason for his arrest was a critical post about the president.

“They talked with me for 2 hours and released me after I deleted the post,” Abbasov said. Attempts to obtain comments from the Ministry of Internal Affairs were futile. -0-


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