Norwegian human rights activists are interested in criminal cases against O.Gyulalyev and other activists


Yesterday the coordinator of “Kura” civil society Oktay Gyulalyev met with the Executive Director of the Norwegian Foundation "Human Rights House", Mary Dakhla, and the Program Director of the Organization for Eastern Europe, Anne Tusik Bond, who have visited Azerbaijan.

     According to Gyulalyev, the human rights activists were interested in the criminal case against him, the facts of violence and torture against them during the arrest, as well as the activities of «Kura" staff.

     He said that due to the facts of violation of his rights, he appealed to the Interior Minister, Ramil Usubov. In addition, Gyulalyev focused on the facts of prosecution of other civil society activists and journalists.

     In particular, he informed about the arrest of another activist of “Kura” headquarters, Ilham Amiraslanov, the affairs of "prisoners of conscience" Vidadi Iskenderli and Shahin Hasanli, and conviction of the human rights, Taleh Hasmamedova, the arrest of the journalist Avaz Zeynalli, and other persons persecuted for political reasons.

     The Norwegian defenders listened attentively to Gyulalyev, and assured that the cases of persons about whom he said, will be under scrutiny attention of the network of Norwegian Foundation "Human Rights House," which includes more than 90 NGOs from 15 countries. –06D--


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