Press Review 04/30/2016

Business and journalism, the state of local banks, and the Karabakh conflict are the themes of today's media.

The official newspaper Azerbaijan has published an article, which refers to business problems. Azerbaijani entrepreneurs face problems in their development due to bureaucratic delays, unfair and inappropriate inspections and arbitrariness of the inspection bodies, of which the entrepreneurs do not dare complain. According to the newspaper, the way out is in the unity of business people and journalists, and the joint solution of problems.

Azadlig writes the contradictions between the National Bank and the Ministry of Finance will result in the death of the banking sector. At the heart of the conflict are the bonds issued by the Ministry in February this year. Banks intend to appeal to the Head of State and the head of the National Bank due to the fact that these bonds strike the banking sector. The guarantor of the bonds is the state, while banks are the guarantors of deposits. In this situation, citizens may prefer to buy bonds instead of investing money in banks, which will lead to the collapse of banks.

So, now the banks offer the citizens 12% of interest from deposits per year, and the income of the bonds is 17%.

Yeni Musavat analyzes the situation around the Karabakh conflict and the Kremlin conditions on this issue. It seems Armenia intends to maintain the status quo and not to release the occupied lands.

One of the leaders of the Kremlin’s Eurasian Union project, Alexander Dugin argues that if Armenia and Azerbaijan join the Eurasian integration project, Russia will begin active work to resolve the conflict. Armenia has already done it, so it is the turn of Azerbaijan.   –0--

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