Press Review 12/26/13

Official newspapers published congratulations from Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis, and the presidential decree on awarding a number of people the rank of general.


Azadlig writes about the act of self-immolation attempt by a Karabakh war veteran. PFPA leader Ali Kerimli, commenting on this fact, said that President Aliyev will stand on the side of the official, and not the common man.

Official Baku angrily protested the ODIHR final report on the presidential elections in Azerbaijan. The opposition, in turn, believes that the OSCE has not officially recognized the elections.

Human rights activists consider the DHS investigation jail and the Office for Combating Organized Crime of the MIA "leaders" in torturing people.

Experts warn that the Central Bank's inflation forecast and support of manat will not justify itself.



Official Baku called the U.S. State Department's call to release the head of the NGO Anar Mammadli, "blackmail".

In 2013, Azerbaijan purchased weapons and military equipment in the amount of 1 billion 257 million manats.


Bizim Yol

President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on awarding the head of his personal security Beylar Eyyubov the rank of Colonel General.

Tehran said the Julfa bridge will be closed until a memorandum on the border between Azerbaijan and Iran is signed.


Yeni Musavat

The head of Baku Metro argues that transportation costs per passenger are 1 manat, while experts say that they are 33 kopecks. Thus, the subway earns 148 million manats.


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