Press Review 17/10/13


The statement by the head of the presidential administration Ramiz Mehdiyev on the U.S. proposal to give the opposition in the presidential elections 25% of the vote is a response to criticism of the authorities in Washington about the elections.

In turn, the U.S. called the statement by Mehdiyev completely false.

Opposition politicians regarded the position of Mehdiyev as the existence of a radical government trying to solve all the problems through the use of violence."

Official Baku continues attacks on international organizations for their criticism of the results of the presidential election. The latter, in turn, believe that such a policy will only increase the discontent in society.

The representative of the ruling party Siyavush Novruzov threatened to punish the activists of the National Council, if they insult the head of state at their rallies.

"If they continue their abuse and the police do not intervene, youth members of the ruling party will do what they should," he said.

Experts have called the statement "the announcement of provocation ."

In turn, the Interior Ministry spokesman Ehsan Zahidov said that the police may apply to the Baku Mayor's Office to ban the National Council's rallies.

Meanwhile, the National Council has appointed a rally on October 20.


Yeni Musavat

Defense Minister Safar Abiyev joined the criticism of the Washington State Department for the negative evaluation of the results of the presidential election.

The newspaper called it an unprecedented dispute between the U.S. and Azerbaijan.

The idea of combining PFPA and Musavat in the format of the National Council may be considered if it is put forward by Jamil Gasanli, considers a functionary of Musavat, Mehman Javadoghlu .


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